• For optimal sign-up experience, we recommend you create your seller profile page on desktop
  • Do remember that Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers are recommended.
  • To create a seller account, you will need to Register a Seller Account and Get Verified.
  • We encourage you to create only one account to allow easy billing from us. If you like to have more than one account under your company, do write to us at seller@eezee.com.sg to make a request. Our Team would be very happy to help you.


You can watch Seller Training Video 1 or follow the instructions below.


Register a Seller Account

  1. Go to Eezee Seller Center.
  2. Click on Start Selling.


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  3. Select the marketplace you want to sell based on the location of your offline store.

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  4. You will be redirected to the Terms and Conditions page. Please have a read on it first before clicking the checklist box.

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  5. Complete the registration process by filling in the required information.
  • Seller Account Details
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  • Shop Information
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  • Bank Account Information
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Get Verified

It will take 1 to 2 working days for your account to be verified. You can expect to receive an email from us shall further information needed.

  1. Go to Eezee Seller Center and log in to your Seller Account.
  2. Upload your bank account details, and click on the sample if you need a reference.

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  3. Upload your ACRA Business Profile with Certificate of Production.